Add nutrition education to your programme for a group of athletes connected through their school, club or gym.
Initially, we will discuss the athlete characteristics and desired outcome of the session(s) to help direct the content and delivery style, before booking a date.
Seminars are designed to educate on a specific topic; a presentation with audience participation. The focus is to provide clear-cut, evidence-based information in an accessible format with tips for real-life application. Seminars previously delivered include 'sustainable weight loss', 'nutrition for performance', 'macronutrients and micronutrients' and 'nutrition and the menopause'.
Workshops are more practical, involving activities, games and competitions, with food incorporated where budgets allow. The focus is on bringing nutrition guidelines to life, making them easier to understand and relatable for athletes in a fun and engaging environment. The complexity can range from simple nutrient identification and knowledge all the way to practical cooking sessions. This hands-on approach can teach real-life skills to support positive behaviour change.
Group sessions are 1-2hr. This can be delivered in person or online. If in person, there needs to be access to a projector or similar and a suitable learning space.
Group sessions are priced individually so please get in touch. An invoice will be emailed after the session has been delivered. This is payable within 14 days.
Nutrition knowledge is just one of the factors affecting dietary behaviours, but it is an essential foundation for making good choices for health and performance. In these sessions, athletes are given space to reflect on how advice applies to them individually.
WhatsApp or email me the word GROUP to book a free discovery call.